
Laser podiatry treatments are revolutionary, patient-friendly method for treating onychomycosis (toenail fungus), warts, leg veins, and corns and calluses. All treatments are simple and effective through the use of the power of Er:YAG and Nd:YAG laser lights.



What is ClearSteps Onychomycosis Treatment?

ClearSteps Laser Onychomycosis Treatment Fotona's ClearSteps™ Onychomycosis Treatment is a revolutionary, patient-friendly method for treating onychomycosis (toenail fungus). It is a simple, least invasive, and most effective procedure for fungal nail infection that uses the power of Nd:YAG laser light to heat evenly throughout the depth of the effected nail and skin tissue, effectively weakening and killing parasitic fungi which have infected the patient's nails.

How does ClearSteps Work?

Deep, pulse-profile heating of the nail bed stimulates the killing of parasitic fungus. The natural growth and immune processes of the body are then able to restore the nail to its pristine state. Compared to traditional methods the effects of laser light spread evenly throughout the tissue and are not subject to either the limits of chemical diffusion, as are topicals, or the induction of hepa-toxic side effects, as is the case with oral medications.

The procedure can be performed in three simple steps:

  • Step 1

    • File down the Nail. During onychomycosis the nail will become deformed and overgrown, it may also thicken. Filing down the nail allows laser light to fully penetrate into the treatment site.

  • Step 2

    • Administer Nd:YAG laser pulses in a circular pattern covering the entire nail. Slight overlap the beam so that the nail is fully covered. The patient should feel a slight heating sensation throughout the nail.

  • Step 3

    • Target Nd:YAG laser pulses around the perimeter of the nail bed and around the finger or toe. Often parasitic fungus has worked its way beyond the nail bed and needs to be eliminated in all the tissue surrounding the nail to prevent recurrence.

Step 1: File down the over-grown nail in order to fully penetrate into the treatment site.

Step 2: pass the light beam over the nail to eliminate the fungi.

Step 3: treat the skin tissue surrounding the nail to prevent recurrence.


Fotona’s Er:YAG and Nd:YAG lasers treat a wide range of warts and verrucae with extreme precision. Deep and selective Nd:YAG absorption induces coagulation of blood vessels feeding the wart, causing subsequent necrosis (penetrates even through calloused tissue). The antibacterial effect promotes faster healing and reduces the possibility of recurrence. The treatment does not require removal of any extra tissue, anesthesia, or special post-procedure skin care.

Corns and Calluses

Fotona’s efficacious and safe Er:YAG laser ablates only the callus, while leaving the surrounding tissue untouched. It is suitable for all skin types and its unmatched effectiveness in clearing all callus tissue prevents recurrence. There is no post-treatment pain, no analgesics necessary, and faster healing, without scarring.